Sunday 21 July 2013

Tick tock watching the pounds drop

It seems that all I do is watch the clock and scales lately. Time goes by so quickly and iv learnt to manage it well or the pounds wont drop. I am a creature of habit. I need a strict routine, I need to track my food and I need everything to run smoothly. If even 1 of these goes off plan then the whole lot goes to pot. I hate when things dont go to plan and I loose control, dont you? My eating will be bad, my stress levels increase, I feel like I cant function and it even rolls over into the babies routine. Its literally the end of the world!

But not this week. This week was good. I managed to keep to all my workouts so by Friday I felt super toned and strong. That shone through to my Friday morning class which was outdoors in the swealtering heat, I had my baby with too, and all went smoothly :-). I did 19 walks in total last week! I like to walk, I aim for 3 walks per day. It settles my baby as well as maintains my cardio endurance and keeps my legs strong. There are other benefits too for walking, such as calorie expenditure, stress relief, fresh air if your not in the city.....the list goes on.

I decided to load up on my weight training too this week. Wednesday was legs, abdominals and lower back day. Thursday was arms, shoulders, chest and upper back day. And Friday evening was a total body workout. So after 2 days rest I can really see an increase in my muscle mass. That also means im burning more calories when im resting. Yay me!

Finally decided to start packing. Excited! Just the essentials first (picture below) like facial wipes and scrub, bobbins, hair clips and safety pins, eyelashes and extra glue, LifeLine tablets (dont know if they work yet though).....I have my list made that I thick off as I go along :-). I have my wedding evening dress and a dress for the night before (pictures below). Wont pack them yet because I basically still like to look at them. And wait....the shoes I picked up for a steal in TKMax (picture below)! Actually now that I think about it, I think im just excited to wear something other than workout gear for a change haha. My hens is this coming Friday too. That will be fun! Il have to pick out something lovely to wear before we change into our pyjamas. You see we are doing the pyjama party in The Beacon hotel. A night off by myself AND uninterrupted sleep, yaaaay, im so excited I could burst! Im sure il have loads of juicy gossip for next weeks blog!

Any who, the clock is ticking........Until another day. Spend your time wisely x

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